Eighty thousand as in ... One hundred and eighty-five thousand, nine hundred
+8 and -8
Absolute value of -8 is 8.
in this number 8 is in place with a value of 100 thousand
+8 and -8
Eighty thousand.
The 8 is it the ten thousandths place, therefore the eight represents 80,000
Eighty thousand as in ... One hundred and eighty-five thousand, nine hundred
+8 and -8
the absolute value is the distance a number is from zero. so the absolute value of 8 is 8 and the absolute value of -8 is 8. absolute value sign looks live this |x| where x is a number. so |-8|=8
Absolute value of -8 is 8.
in this number 8 is in place with a value of 100 thousand
The digit 8 in the number 876 has a value of 800.
what is the value of 8 in the number 80,000
+8 and -8
8/10 in the tenths place
Well, let's take a look at those numbers, friend. In the number 817, the 8 has a value of 800. In 228, the 8 has a value of 80. And in 180, the 8 has a value of 80 as well. Each time the 8 appears, it holds a different place value, but it always brings its own unique contribution to the number.