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Q: What is the value of the angle in which the sine and cosine are equal and both negative?
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Why does cosine x equal cosine negative x?

This is going to require some visualization. Cosine is defined as the x-value on the unit circle. If you picture where a point would be, for example, at the angle of pi/6 (30°) you get a coordinate of (√(3)/2 , 1/2) so cosine is √(3)/2 and sine is 1/2 To find a negative angle you take the reflection across the x-axis. Since this does not chance the x-value, only the y, cosine does not change. The coordinates of -(pi/6) (-30°) are (√(3)/2 , -1/2). cos(-x) = cos(x) sin(-x) = - sin(x)■

Why the value of cos positive for negative value of angle?

The cosine of an angle is the adjacent side of the angle of a triangle divided the hypotenuse. If you plot the adjacent side as x on an x -y graph, for negative angles less than 90 degrees the adjacent side is positive and the hypotenuse is always positive, so you get a positive. The cosine is positive int e upper right and lower right quadrants

If the cosine of B is 65 what is the angle?

Cosine cannot have this kind of high value, it ranges from -1 to +1

What is the angle between the direction of motion of an object and the direction of the applied force if the work done on the object is said to be negative?

If the work done on an object is negative, the angle between the direction of motion and the direction of the applied force is greater than 90 degrees. This means the force is acting in the direction opposite to the motion of the object, resulting in a decrease in energy or displacement of the object in the opposite direction of the force.

What is the arc cosine of pi?

It doesn't exist. The maximum value of the cosine is 1.00, so no angle can have a cosine of (pi), because (pi) is more than 3.

The ratio of adjacent side to hypotenuse?

A number between 0 and 1. The value depends on the angle betweenthe two sides, and it's called the cosine of that angle.

Can an absolute value equal a negative?

An absolute value can not be negative.

What will be the angle if the vector have equal magnitude?

The angle can have any value.

How do you find logthermic cosine in log book?

To find the logarithmic cosine in a logarithm table or log book, you would need to first look up the logarithm of the cosine of the angle given. Locate the logarithm value of cosine in the log book corresponding to the angle provided, and this will give you the result.

Does a positive value multiplied by a negative value equal a positive?

No, the product of the multiplication of a positive and a negative value is negative.

Why cos negative results positive?

It doesn't really. Depending on the exact value of the argument, the cosine function can give both positive and negative results, for a negative argument. As to "why" the sine, or cosine, functions have certain values, just look at the function definition. Take points on a unit circle. The sine represents the y-coordinate for any point on the circle, while the cosine represents the x-coordinate for such a point. (There are also other ways to define the sine and the cosine functions.)

How do you describe work when force and displacement are acting at an angle?

Work = force x displacemet x cosine value of the angle between the two vectors SO W = F s cos@