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It is the median, which is an indication of the central tendency of a distribution.

The main advantages of the median are that it is an observed value. The mean may not be a possible outcome - eg 2.4 children in the average family! How do you get 0.4 child?

The median is not affected by outliers (extreme values) which could be due to errors.

The median can be calculated for ordered data (eg data categorized as small, medium, large) even if the difference between small and medium is not the same as the difference between medium and large.

The other two common measures of the central tendency of a data set are the mean and the mode. The mean is what is commonly referred to as the average. It is the most commonly used indicator of central tendency. If you have n values, add them up and divide the sum by n and you have the mean.

The mode is the other common indicator and it is simply the most frequently occurring value in the data set. Modes are nice for dealing with categorical data.

An important part of statistics is knowing which measure of central tendency to use for a particular data set.
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Q: What is the value of the data point in the middle of a set of data when the data are arranged in order from smallest to largest?
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Value that falls in the middle position when the data is arranged in order from smallest to largest?


What is the value called that falls in the in the middle position when the data is arranged in order from smallest to largest?

It is called the "median".

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That is called the median.

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A monotonic increasing series.

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Numbers are said to be in descending order when they are arranged from the largest to the smallest number.

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Arranged in order from smallest to largest, these numbers read: 0.27 0.47 0.72 0.74

Does the median have to be arranged from least to greatest?

The most common definition of the median is that given a set of data values it is the middle value of the data set when it has been arranged in ascending order. So, while the median is the number in the middle of a data set. Sometimes there is no single number in the middle in which case we take the mean of the two middle numbers. Weather you order the values from smallest to largest or largest to smallest, the middle will still be the same, in spite of the common definition using ascending order. For example 1,2,5,6,8 The median is 5. If I write those numbers are 8,6,5,2,1 the 5 is still the middle number in the set. With an even number of data values, such as 1,2,4,6,8,11, the median is the mean of 4 and 6 which is 5. If I write that set from largest to smallest the median is the same. So the median is the middlemost number. In most math classes, students are told to arrange the numbers from smallest to largest, however, you can see that this really makes no difference.

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Arranged in numerical order, these go: -3 0 0.15 6

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The middle value when the data are arranged in numerical order?

Middle value when the data are arranged in numerical order is the median.