The value of the digit 2 in the number 92955885 is 20,000.
2 hundred thousand
The place value is 10 thousand
The value of the digit 2 in the number 92955885 is 20,000.
The digit with the second greatest value in the number is '1'. its value is second to the largest number which is 2.
In the number 28, the digit 2 holds a place value of 20, as it is in the tens place. This means that the value of the digit 2 is 20 times the place value, which is 2 x 10 = 20. Therefore, the value of the digit 2 in the number 28 is 20.
In the number 287, the digit 2 is in the tens place. This means that the value of the digit 2 is 20, as it represents 20 tens. In the number 287, the digit 2 contributes to the overall value of 20.
In the number 2.45, the digit 2 is in the tenths place. This means that the value of the digit 2 is 2 tenths or 0.2. Place value refers to the position of a digit in a number, which determines its value based on the powers of 10.
The value of the digit 2 in the number 54.625 is two hundredths.
The digit 2 in the number 34.205 represents two tenths.
two hundredths
A number does not have a place value - only a single digit within a number does.
2 hundred thousand