987 is a composite number that is a multiple of 3.
The smallest fraction will have the lowest value number as the numerator and the highest value number as the denominator. The smallest value number that can be formed from 7,8,9, is 7 The largest value number is either 98 if the numbers can be used once only or 987 if repeated numbers are permitted or even 999. The possibilities are thus 7/98 or 7/987 or 7/999.
987 is the greatest number between the two 98<987
No: -987-987=-1974 However, 987-987=0, -987+987=0
The value of the digit 9 in the number 987 is 900 (nine hundred).
987 is a composite number that is a multiple of 3.
987 - 345 = 642
The smallest fraction will have the lowest value number as the numerator and the highest value number as the denominator. The smallest value number that can be formed from 7,8,9, is 7 The largest value number is either 98 if the numbers can be used once only or 987 if repeated numbers are permitted or even 999. The possibilities are thus 7/98 or 7/987 or 7/999.
987 is the greatest number between the two 98<987
the answer is 987.
No: -987-987=-1974 However, 987-987=0, -987+987=0
To solve -987 - (-654), you can rewrite it as -987 + 654. When you add these two numbers together, you get -333. The double negative in the original expression cancels out to become a positive number.
2 (million)