The numeral 6 in the number 1.604 represents 6/10.
six hundred
VI is the Roman numeral for the Arabic number 6.
VI is the Roman numeral equal to 6 (six)
Its positional place value is 6/10 = six tenths
The numeral 6 in the number 1.604 represents 6/10.
six hundred
It is: 0.6 or 6/10 = 3/5 in its lowest terms
It is the Roman Numeral for the number 6. It is the Roman Numeral for the number 6.
VI is the Roman numeral for the Arabic number 6.
VI is the Roman numeral equal to 6 (six)
Its positional place value is 6/10 = six tenths
The symbol for 6 in Roman numeral is "VI".
CDLVI = 400 + 50 + 6
The roman numeral VI or vi represents the number 6.
VI (5+1)