The numeral 6 in the number 1.604 represents 6/10.
six hundred
VI is the Roman numeral for the Arabic number 6.
VI is the Roman numeral equal to 6 (six)
Its positional place value is 6/10 = six tenths
The numeral 6 in the number 1.604 represents 6/10.
It is: 0.6 or 6/10 = 3/5 in its lowest terms
It is the Roman Numeral for the number 6. It is the Roman Numeral for the number 6.
Its positional place value is 6/10 = six tenths
CDLVI = 400 + 50 + 6
six hundred fifty-seven thousand, six hundred and fourteen
Its value is 6.
|6| = 6 (The absolute value of 6 is 6, the same number you started with.) 6 = 6 (The absolute value of the absolute value of 6 is 6.)
The face value of the number 6 is always 6. The place value, on the other hand, is the value which changes based upon where it is placed in the number.
The answer should be a number (like 6) not words (like six).
The value of 6 in 236,894 is 6,000 = six thousand