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Q: What is the value of the whole number N if N equals 12 of 23 of two of 34 of 45 of 100?
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100 percent of what equals 7.5?

Since 100 percent represents the whole of a value, 100 percent of 7.5 is equal to 7.5.

What is equal to twelve percent?

12 if whole is 100, but can be any number depending on value of whole

What times 9 equals 100?

There is no whole number that, multiplied by 9, equals 100.111/9, or 11.1111111111111111 (the ones go on forever), times 9 equals 100.

How do you calculate gain and loss on a stock call option?

You take the whole value. For example: You bought the call for $1 which x 100 equals $100. You then sold it for $2 which x 100 equals $200. Take $100 from $200 and you are left with a gain or $100.

20 percent as a whole number?

20 percent is a number whose value is between 0 and 1 so there is no way to represent it as a whole number.

What is a whole number for 100?

100 already is a whole number.

What is 17100 as a percent?

A whole number as a percent would have it multiplying by 100 because 100% equals to 1. So 17,100 x 100 = 1,710,000%.

What number equals 100?

100.Any other number must be greater than or less than 100.For more advanced mathematicians, 99.999... is equal to 100 as its limiting value.

How do you write 40 hundredths as a whole number?

The absolute value of 40 hundredths is less than one and so you cannot write it as a whole number.

How many hundredths equal one whole?

If one "whole" is one, then one hundred hundredths make a whole. Think about it this way: One hundredth is 1/100. To get a fraction that equals one, you have to make the top number (numerator) and bottom number (denominator) the same. So, what can you do to get the top number to equal 100 with 1/100? Multiply it by 100 (which is the same as 100/1)! 1/100 * 100/1 = 100/100 = 1

How do you write 1.1 as a percent?

110% is the percentage of 1.1. Remember, 1 is a whole number whice equals 100%.

Is 0.100 and 100 eqiuvalent decimals?

No, they are not equivalent decimals. 0.100 is equal to 0.1, whereas 100 is equal to 100. The decimal point placement makes a difference in the value represented.