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Eight hundredths.

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Q: What is the value represented by the digit 8 after 7.824 is divided by10?
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What is the value represented by the digit 8 after 7824?


What are multiples of 326?

the answer is 326 652 1956 7824 39120

How many combinations are there for 4 digit that end with 24?

1024, 1124, 1224, 1324, 1424, 1524, 1624, 1724, 1824, 19242024, 2124, 2224, 2324, 2424, 2524, 2624, 2724, 2824, 29243024, 3124, 3224, 3324, 3424, 3524, 3624, 3724, 3824, 39244024, 4124, 4224, 4324, 4424, 4524, 4624, 4724, 4824, 49245024, 5124, 5224, 5324, 5424, 5524, 5624, 5724, 5824, 59246024, 6124, 6224, 6324, 6424, 6524, 6624, 6724, 6824, 69247024, 7124, 7224, 7324, 7424, 7524, 7624, 7724, 7824, 79248024, 8124, 8224, 8324, 8424, 8524, 8624, 8724, 8824, 89249024, 9124, 9224, 9324, 9424, 9524, 9624, 9724, 9824, 9924

What four digit number is divisible by 4 and 6?

All multiples of the lowest common multiple of 4 and 6 are divisible by both 4 and 6. lcm(4,6) = 12 → 1000 ÷ 12 = 83 r 4 → first four digit number divisible by 12 is 84 x 12 = 1008 → 9999 ÷ 12 = 833 r 4 → last 4 digit number divisible by 12 is 833 x 12 = 9996 → there are 833 - 84 + 1 = 750 four digit numbers that are divisible by both 4 and 6, which are: 1008, 1020, 1032, 1044, 1056, 1068, 1080, 1092, 1104, 1116, 1128, 1140, 1152, 1164, 1176, 1188, 1200, 1212, 1224, 1236, 1248, 1260, 1272, 1284, 1296, 1308, 1320, 1332, 1344, 1356, 1368, 1380, 1392, 1404, 1416, 1428, 1440, 1452, 1464, 1476, 1488, 1500, 1512, 1524, 1536, 1548, 1560, 1572, 1584, 1596, 1608, 1620, 1632, 1644, 1656, 1668, 1680, 1692, 1704, 1716, 1728, 1740, 1752, 1764, 1776, 1788, 1800, 1812, 1824, 1836, 1848, 1860, 1872, 1884, 1896, 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052, 2064, 2076, 2088, 2100, 2112, 2124, 2136, 2148, 2160, 2172, 2184, 2196, 2208, 2220, 2232, 2244, 2256, 2268, 2280, 2292, 2304, 2316, 2328, 2340, 2352, 2364, 2376, 2388, 2400, 2412, 2424, 2436, 2448, 2460, 2472, 2484, 2496, 2508, 2520, 2532, 2544, 2556, 2568, 2580, 2592, 2604, 2616, 2628, 2640, 2652, 2664, 2676, 2688, 2700, 2712, 2724, 2736, 2748, 2760, 2772, 2784, 2796, 2808, 2820, 2832, 2844, 2856, 2868, 2880, 2892, 2904, 2916, 2928, 2940, 2952, 2964, 2976, 2988, 3000, 3012, 3024, 3036, 3048, 3060, 3072, 3084, 3096, 3108, 3120, 3132, 3144, 3156, 3168, 3180, 3192, 3204, 3216, 3228, 3240, 3252, 3264, 3276, 3288, 3300, 3312, 3324, 3336, 3348, 3360, 3372, 3384, 3396, 3408, 3420, 3432, 3444, 3456, 3468, 3480, 3492, 3504, 3516, 3528, 3540, 3552, 3564, 3576, 3588, 3600, 3612, 3624, 3636, 3648, 3660, 3672, 3684, 3696, 3708, 3720, 3732, 3744, 3756, 3768, 3780, 3792, 3804, 3816, 3828, 3840, 3852, 3864, 3876, 3888, 3900, 3912, 3924, 3936, 3948, 3960, 3972, 3984, 3996, 4008, 4020, 4032, 4044, 4056, 4068, 4080, 4092, 4104, 4116, 4128, 4140, 4152, 4164, 4176, 4188, 4200, 4212, 4224, 4236, 4248, 4260, 4272, 4284, 4296, 4308, 4320, 4332, 4344, 4356, 4368, 4380, 4392, 4404, 4416, 4428, 4440, 4452, 4464, 4476, 4488, 4500, 4512, 4524, 4536, 4548, 4560, 4572, 4584, 4596, 4608, 4620, 4632, 4644, 4656, 4668, 4680, 4692, 4704, 4716, 4728, 4740, 4752, 4764, 4776, 4788, 4800, 4812, 4824, 4836, 4848, 4860, 4872, 4884, 4896, 4908, 4920, 4932, 4944, 4956, 4968, 4980, 4992, 5004, 5016, 5028, 5040, 5052, 5064, 5076, 5088, 5100, 5112, 5124, 5136, 5148, 5160, 5172, 5184, 5196, 5208, 5220, 5232, 5244, 5256, 5268, 5280, 5292, 5304, 5316, 5328, 5340, 5352, 5364, 5376, 5388, 5400, 5412, 5424, 5436, 5448, 5460, 5472, 5484, 5496, 5508, 5520, 5532, 5544, 5556, 5568, 5580, 5592, 5604, 5616, 5628, 5640, 5652, 5664, 5676, 5688, 5700, 5712, 5724, 5736, 5748, 5760, 5772, 5784, 5796, 5808, 5820, 5832, 5844, 5856, 5868, 5880, 5892, 5904, 5916, 5928, 5940, 5952, 5964, 5976, 5988, 6000, 6012, 6024, 6036, 6048, 6060, 6072, 6084, 6096, 6108, 6120, 6132, 6144, 6156, 6168, 6180, 6192, 6204, 6216, 6228, 6240, 6252, 6264, 6276, 6288, 6300, 6312, 6324, 6336, 6348, 6360, 6372, 6384, 6396, 6408, 6420, 6432, 6444, 6456, 6468, 6480, 6492, 6504, 6516, 6528, 6540, 6552, 6564, 6576, 6588, 6600, 6612, 6624, 6636, 6648, 6660, 6672, 6684, 6696, 6708, 6720, 6732, 6744, 6756, 6768, 6780, 6792, 6804, 6816, 6828, 6840, 6852, 6864, 6876, 6888, 6900, 6912, 6924, 6936, 6948, 6960, 6972, 6984, 6996, 7008, 7020, 7032, 7044, 7056, 7068, 7080, 7092, 7104, 7116, 7128, 7140, 7152, 7164, 7176, 7188, 7200, 7212, 7224, 7236, 7248, 7260, 7272, 7284, 7296, 7308, 7320, 7332, 7344, 7356, 7368, 7380, 7392, 7404, 7416, 7428, 7440, 7452, 7464, 7476, 7488, 7500, 7512, 7524, 7536, 7548, 7560, 7572, 7584, 7596, 7608, 7620, 7632, 7644, 7656, 7668, 7680, 7692, 7704, 7716, 7728, 7740, 7752, 7764, 7776, 7788, 7800, 7812, 7824, 7836, 7848, 7860, 7872, 7884, 7896, 7908, 7920, 7932, 7944, 7956, 7968, 7980, 7992, 8004, 8016, 8028, 8040, 8052, 8064, 8076, 8088, 8100, 8112, 8124, 8136, 8148, 8160, 8172, 8184, 8196, 8208, 8220, 8232, 8244, 8256, 8268, 8280, 8292, 8304, 8316, 8328, 8340, 8352, 8364, 8376, 8388, 8400, 8412, 8424, 8436, 8448, 8460, 8472, 8484, 8496, 8508, 8520, 8532, 8544, 8556, 8568, 8580, 8592, 8604, 8616, 8628, 8640, 8652, 8664, 8676, 8688, 8700, 8712, 8724, 8736, 8748, 8760, 8772, 8784, 8796, 8808, 8820, 8832, 8844, 8856, 8868, 8880, 8892, 8904, 8916, 8928, 8940, 8952, 8964, 8976, 8988, 9000, 9012, 9024, 9036, 9048, 9060, 9072, 9084, 9096, 9108, 9120, 9132, 9144, 9156, 9168, 9180, 9192, 9204, 9216, 9228, 9240, 9252, 9264, 9276, 9288, 9300, 9312, 9324, 9336, 9348, 9360, 9372, 9384, 9396, 9408, 9420, 9432, 9444, 9456, 9468, 9480, 9492, 9504, 9516, 9528, 9540, 9552, 9564, 9576, 9588, 9600, 9612, 9624, 9636, 9648, 9660, 9672, 9684, 9696, 9708, 9720, 9732, 9744, 9756, 9768, 9780, 9792, 9804, 9816, 9828, 9840, 9852, 9864, 9876, 9888, 9900, 9912, 9924, 9936, 9948, 9960, 9972, 9984, 9996 Take your pick.

What four digit number is divisible by 3 and 4 but not 9?

There is quite a few, actually. 500 to be exact: [1020, 1032, 1056, 1068, 1092, 1104, 1128, 1140, 1164, 1176, 1200, 1212, 1236, 1248, 1272, 1284, 1308, 1320, 1344, 1356, 1380, 1392, 1416, 1428, 1452, 1464, 1488, 1500, 1524, 1536, 1560, 1572, 1596, 1608, 1632, 1644, 1668, 1680, 1704, 1716, 1740, 1752, 1776, 1788, 1812, 1824, 1848, 1860, 1884, 1896, 1920, 1932, 1956, 1968, 1992, 2004, 2028, 2040, 2064, 2076, 2100, 2112, 2136, 2148, 2172, 2184, 2208, 2220, 2244, 2256, 2280, 2292, 2316, 2328, 2352, 2364, 2388, 2400, 2424, 2436, 2460, 2472, 2496, 2508, 2532, 2544, 2568, 2580, 2604, 2616, 2640, 2652, 2676, 2688, 2712, 2724, 2748, 2760, 2784, 2796, 2820, 2832, 2856, 2868, 2892, 2904, 2928, 2940, 2964, 2976, 3000, 3012, 3036, 3048, 3072, 3084, 3108, 3120, 3144, 3156, 3180, 3192, 3216, 3228, 3252, 3264, 3288, 3300, 3324, 3336, 3360, 3372, 3396, 3408, 3432, 3444, 3468, 3480, 3504, 3516, 3540, 3552, 3576, 3588, 3612, 3624, 3648, 3660, 3684, 3696, 3720, 3732, 3756, 3768, 3792, 3804, 3828, 3840, 3864, 3876, 3900, 3912, 3936, 3948, 3972, 3984, 4008, 4020, 4044, 4056, 4080, 4092, 4116, 4128, 4152, 4164, 4188, 4200, 4224, 4236, 4260, 4272, 4296, 4308, 4332, 4344, 4368, 4380, 4404, 4416, 4440, 4452, 4476, 4488, 4512, 4524, 4548, 4560, 4584, 4596, 4620, 4632, 4656, 4668, 4692, 4704, 4728, 4740, 4764, 4776, 4800, 4812, 4836, 4848, 4872, 4884, 4908, 4920, 4944, 4956, 4980, 4992, 5016, 5028, 5052, 5064, 5088, 5100, 5124, 5136, 5160, 5172, 5196, 5208, 5232, 5244, 5268, 5280, 5304, 5316, 5340, 5352, 5376, 5388, 5412, 5424, 5448, 5460, 5484, 5496, 5520, 5532, 5556, 5568, 5592, 5604, 5628, 5640, 5664, 5676, 5700, 5712, 5736, 5748, 5772, 5784, 5808, 5820, 5844, 5856, 5880, 5892, 5916, 5928, 5952, 5964, 5988, 6000, 6024, 6036, 6060, 6072, 6096, 6108, 6132, 6144, 6168, 6180, 6204, 6216, 6240, 6252, 6276, 6288, 6312, 6324, 6348, 6360, 6384, 6396, 6420, 6432, 6456, 6468, 6492, 6504, 6528, 6540, 6564, 6576, 6600, 6612, 6636, 6648, 6672, 6684, 6708, 6720, 6744, 6756, 6780, 6792, 6816, 6828, 6852, 6864, 6888, 6900, 6924, 6936, 6960, 6972, 6996, 7008, 7032, 7044, 7068, 7080, 7104, 7116, 7140, 7152, 7176, 7188, 7212, 7224, 7248, 7260, 7284, 7296, 7320, 7332, 7356, 7368, 7392, 7404, 7428, 7440, 7464, 7476, 7500, 7512, 7536, 7548, 7572, 7584, 7608, 7620, 7644, 7656, 7680, 7692, 7716, 7728, 7752, 7764, 7788, 7800, 7824, 7836, 7860, 7872, 7896, 7908, 7932, 7944, 7968, 7980, 8004, 8016, 8040, 8052, 8076, 8088, 8112, 8124, 8148, 8160, 8184, 8196, 8220, 8232, 8256, 8268, 8292, 8304, 8328, 8340, 8364, 8376, 8400, 8412, 8436, 8448, 8472, 8484, 8508, 8520, 8544, 8556, 8580, 8592, 8616, 8628, 8652, 8664, 8688, 8700, 8724, 8736, 8760, 8772, 8796, 8808, 8832, 8844, 8868, 8880, 8904, 8916, 8940, 8952, 8976, 8988, 9012, 9024, 9048, 9060, 9084, 9096, 9120, 9132, 9156, 9168, 9192, 9204, 9228, 9240, 9264, 9276, 9300, 9312, 9336, 9348, 9372, 9384, 9408, 9420, 9444, 9456, 9480, 9492, 9516, 9528, 9552, 9564, 9588, 9600, 9624, 9636, 9660, 9672, 9696, 9708, 9732, 9744, 9768, 9780, 9804, 9816, 9840, 9852, 9876, 9888, 9912, 9924, 9948, 9960, 9984, 9996] Have fun.

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