16 divided by #
(35 - 16)/4 = 19/4
Any number that is a multiple of 16 can be divided by 16 without a remainder. This means that any number that is evenly divisible by 16, such as 16, 32, 48, 64, and so on, can be divided by 16. In mathematical terms, a number n can be divided by 16 if n is equal to 16 multiplied by an integer k, where k is any whole number.
16 times 16 divided by 2 = 128
If x is the unknown variable then it can be: x-16
'x' ounces = x/16 pounds
In the mathematical expression 16/2 = 8 16 is the dividend 2 is the divisor 8 is the quotient
Simplify each expression
16 divided by #
(35 - 16)/4 = 19/4
It is an expression in the variable y. Since it is not an equation it cannot be solved.
What is the algebraic expression for 5 less than a certain number
the number that can be divided by 4 that is more then 16 is 30,487.0605