Facial expressions can be eyes opened wide, and pursed lips, as you wait for the event. Verbally you would say "I am so ready for that!!!" or "I know it will be so cool!"
Is that the kind of thing you are looking for?
9a verbal expression
That is in verbal expression. x is the verbal, if you're trying to make it x times 2 in verbal expression it is as you wrote it 2x.
19-3 in a verbal expression = 16
When a person communicates their opinions, values, or beliefs to others in writing or by speaking, this is called verbal expression. It means using words to express yourself. Verbal expression is a noun.
A verbal expression for 5 a-b is that it is 5 is multiplied by the difference between a and b.
Verbal art is a form of creative expression using words.
Anticipation is a noun, therefore it has no past tense. Anticipate is the verbal form of the word, of which anticipated is the past tense. Or was the question tongue in cheek? Cute!