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Q: What is the verbal expression of thought and opinion before an audience that has chosen to listen?
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The verbal expression of thought and opinion before an audience is?

Pure Speech

What is the difference between pure and symbolic speech?

Pure Speech is the verbal expression of thought and opinion before an audience that has chosen to listen. Symbolic Speech is the use of actions symbols , in addition to or instead of words, to express opinions.

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We bowed to the audience before leaving the stage. The audience loved the musical performance.

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you can tell when you really like a guy when hes the first thought that comes into your head when you wake up, your last thought before you sleep and you get butterflies when you see him and your heart beats fast. that's how you can tell in my opinion :)

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An audience rating is approval or disapproval by an audience. Often, TV shows and movies are screened before an audience to see how the show or movie will do when released to the public.

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Who is the audience?What does the audience want to know?What is the best way to provide the audience with the information they want?

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First note that not everyone believes this, but it is my opinion that dance is a genuine expression of a person. It exhibits freedom and openess and what better way to express your love for the Lord than to dance and sing before Him.

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He would not have been thought of as "awesome". This is a modern expression and in his life few people knew him. He was in China for 25 years before he returned to Venice , but may have gained some fans after he wrote his book.

What is the Thought for the day with explanations?

You have to "be" before you can ' do' and 'do' before you can 'have

How can you tell if a show was filmed before a live audience?

Normally at either the beginning or end of the episode it will say, "[enter show's name here] was filmed before a live studio audience."

What are coefficients of an expression?

A numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression (e.g., 4 in 4xy).

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No, you typically do not need to use a comma before a time expression in a sentence unless it is necessary for clarity or to avoid confusion in the sentence's meaning.