It is the y axis and the horizontal line is the x axis and both axes are perpendicular to each other at the point of the origin
It is the vertical number line on the y axis in the Cartesian plane
The horizontal line is the x axis and the vertical line is the y axis.
On the Cartesian plane the x line is the horizontal axis and the y line is the vertical axis.
Cartesian plane
The y-axis is the vertical line that is perpendicular to the horizontal line of the x-axis on the Cartesian plane
The y axis on the Cartesian plane is a vertical number line
It is the vertical number line on the y axis in the Cartesian plane
It is a Cartesian plane. A 2-dimensional space defined by Cartesian coordinates (x,y).
The horizontal line is the x axis and the vertical line is the y axis.
Cartesian Or the origin
On the Cartesian plane the x line is the horizontal axis and the y line is the vertical axis.
Cartesian plane
The y-axis is the vertical line that is perpendicular to the horizontal line of the x-axis on the Cartesian plane
The xy or Cartesian or coordinate plane.
The name Cartesian is derived from the name Descartes, after its creator, Rene Descartes. In math, a Cartesian plane is the entire field of a graph. The horizontal number line is called the x-axis, and the vertical line is called the y-axis. You will only have a Cartesian plane if these two intersect. If it is a straight line graph, it is not a Cartesian plane.
That's the name of the plane with the horizontal x-axis and the vertical y-axis on which equations and inequalities with two variables are graphed. The Cartesian coordinate plane is to two dimensions as the number line is to one dimension.
Horizontal, vertical, lateral