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Q: What is the vertical space between lines of text called?
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What is the vertical space between lines of text?

In typesetting the space between lines is called lead or leading. The space between letters is keening.

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What is the amount of vertical space between lines of the text in a document?

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What is the space between the lines called?

It is called leading.

What are the spaces between 2 bar lines in music?

A measure is the space between 2 bar lines in music.

What is the space between the lines of type called?

It is called leading.

The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is called?

Word 2007 - Line spacing

What is the space between two barlines in music called?

A measure is the space between 2 bar lines in music.

Which element of Mondrian's art symbolized harmony between opposites?

In Mondrian's art, the use of straight lines and right angles, particularly in his neoplastic style, symbolized the harmony between opposites. The vertical and horizontal lines created a sense of balance and order, representing the harmony between positive and negative space, as well as between different colors and shapes.

When is it necessary to adjust the leading in Photoshop CS3?

Its on you. Here is explanation what is leading The vertical space between lines of type is called leading. Leading is measured from the baseline of one line of text to the baseline of the line above it.

A graph consisting of vertical bars with no space between bars is called a?

A bar graphA graph consisting of bars is called a bar graph. It is irrelevant whether the bars are horizontal or vertical or whether there are spaces between the bars or not.