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The formulae ofthe sphere is 4/3r^3 (cubed) therfore 4/3*10^3 equals 4/3*1000 which equals 4000/3 = 133.33333

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Q: What is the volume a sphere that has the radius of 10?
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The volume of a sphere with a 10 in radius is?

The volume of a sphere with a 10 in radius is: 4,188.8 cubic inches.

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The volume of a sphere that has a radius of 10 millimeters is: 4,189 mm3

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The volume in liters of a sphere with a radius of 0.0043 cm is: 3.33 × 10-10 liters

What is the volume of a sphere with a radius of 10?

4,188.8 cubic units.

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The volume of a sphere with a radius of 4cm is about 268cm3

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The volume of a sphere with a radius of 2cm is about 33.5cm3

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The volume of a sphere with a radius of 13 is: 9,203 units3

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The volume of a sphere with a radius of 18 is about 24,429 units3

Suppose the sphere below with radius r has a volume equal to 50 units3 Find the volume of the sphere with twice the radius?

A sphere with a volume of 50 units3 has a radius of 2.29 units. A sphere with twice the radius (4.58 units) has a volume of 402 units3.

What is the volume of a sphere when the radius is 3x3?

A sphere with a radius of 9 units has a volume of 3,053.63 units3

What is the volume of a sphere that has 24cm for radius?

A sphere with a radius of 24 cm has a volume of 57,905.84 cm3