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Each 1 cm cube has 1 cubic centimeter of volume.

5 of them all together have 5 cubic cm of volume.

Every 'cube' has 6 sides.

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Q: What is the volume in cubic centimetres of 5 1cm cubes with 6 sides?
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Related questions

What is the volume of a cube with 2 cm sides?

8 cubic centimetres.

What is the volume of a cuboid with sides 5cm3cm7cm?

5*3*7 = 105 cubic centimetres.

There are ten solid cubes in steps with the volume of the smallest being 1 cubic cm and the largest being 1000 cubic cm. By how many centimetres does each of the cubes increase in each step?

1 cm each time. If a cube has a volume of 1 cubic cm, it has a length of 1. If a cube has a volume of 1000 cubic cm, it has sides of length 10 (10 x 10 x 10 = 1000) So the first cube has sides 1 cm long and the 10th cube has sides 10 cm long. Hence they increase by 1 each time.

What is the volume of a 25Cm metal cube?

The volume of a cube is calculated by: V = s^3, where 's' is the length of one side. If the metal cube has sides that are 25 cm in length, its volume would be 25^3 = 15,625 cubic cm.

What is 18 cc?

18 cubic centimetres. A cube whose sides are approx 2.62 centimetres.

What is the volume of three cubes with 0.5cm sides?

The volume is 0.125 cm3

Does 1000 cm3 equal 1L?

You mean cubic centimeters probably cm3, because they are both measurements of volume. One liter is one cubic desi meter dm3, which you can imagine as a cube with sides (10cm*10cm*10cm=1000cm3) and there you get your answer 1000.

What is the volume of a cube of sides 4 centimetres?

The volume is 43 = 4x4x4=64 cm3

What is the volume of a cuboid measuring five center meters by six cenre meters and seven center meters?

The volume of a cuboid with sides of 5 centimetres (yes, that's how to spell the word) by 6 centimetres (not cenre meters) and 7 cm is 5*6*7 = 210 cubic centimetres. If you are US, centimeters is OK but not centre meters!

How the ratio of volume is related to ratio of sides of similar cubes?

The ratio of volumes is directly proportional to the cube of the ratio of their sides. And, incidentally, all cubes are similar.

How many 6metre cubes can be cut from a cuboid measuring 18metre x 15metre x 8metre?

The question is ambiguous to the extent that a 6metre cube would normally refer to a cube with sides of 6 metres. If so, six such cubes can be cut, with 864 cubic metres left over. However, the term can also refer to a cube with a volume of 6 cubic metres, that is, sides of 1.82 metres. You can cut 288 such cubes and have 432 m3 left over.

What is the volume of cube?

The volume of a cube is found by length x width x depth. For instance, a cube measuring 4cm x 4cm x 4cm = 64 cubic centimetres