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Assumed correctly, a rectangular solid that's dimensions are 0.25m x 6.1m x 4.9m has a volume of 7.4725 cu.m.

We are not sure of the existence of any formula for rctanglar soilds.

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Q: What is the volume in cubic meters of a rctangular soild that is 0.25m long 6.1m wide and 4.9m high?
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Related questions

What unit to use to measure the volune of a regular soild object?

The unit used to measure the volume of a regular solid object is cubic units (e.g., cubic meters, cubic centimeters, cubic inches). This unit represents the amount of space occupied by the object in three dimensions.

The voulme of a soild can be expressed in what unit?

By scientific standards in cubic[enter measure here] - like cubic meters, cubic feet, cubic miles... depends on the scale really. Another measure for volume is liters, but it is commonly only used for liquids. Non-metric measures, like gallons or barrel are still in use, but not used scientifically, since their usage is some awkward in conversions.

What is voulme?

Volume refers to the amount of space occupied by an object or substance. It is typically measured in cubic units (such as cubic meters or cubic feet) and can be calculated by multiplying the length, width, and height of an object or by using specific formulas depending on the shape of the object.

What is the formula for the volume of a rectangular soild?

It is Volume = Length * Width * Height.

What is substance with a definite shape and volume?

A solid.

What is the volume of a rectangular soild with the following dimensions?

Volume = cross-section area*length

What is the density of a regular soild if it weight 27 grams and has a volume of 95 cubi centimeters?

Density is found by dividing mass by volume. So in this case density = 27gm divided by 95cc = 0.2842 gm/correct to 4 significant figures) That means that each cubic centimetre of the solid has a mass of 0.2842 grams

What are the gereral characteristics of a soild?

General characteristics of a solid are that it has a fixed volume and molecules and atoms are closely-knit.

Is a rock a soild?

Yes, a rock is a solid because it has a definite shape and volume, and its particles are tightly packed together.

Is heilum liquid gasor soild?


Is silver a soild or a liquid?

At normal conditions (temperature, volume and pressure) silve is a solid. It is melted into a liquid to mould it into different shapes ie rings.

Was the soild body guitar the first guitar?

The soild body guitar was not the first guitar invented,they made one that was just sides and strings before the soild body was made.The soild body guitar was not the first guitar invented,they made one that was just sides and strings before the soild body was made.The soild body guitar was not the first guitar invented,they made one that was just sides and strings before the soild body was made.