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A cube with sides measuring 100 cm in length has a volume of 1 million cm3

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: What is the volume of 100cm cube equal to?
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Cube that has a base with an area of 100 centimeters. What is the volume of the cube?

If the base of a cube is 100cm then the base must measure 10cm by 10cm. so, as it is a cube its height must also be 10cm. Therefore the volume of the cube is 10cm x10cm x10cm which equals 1000 cubic cm.

What is the volume of a cube with surface area 54x2?

not a cube a cube has all equal sides

7 meters cube in to cm cube?

7 m^3 = 7*(1m*1m*1m) = 7*(100cm*100cm*100cm) = 7,000,000 cm^3

What is the volume of a cube with one side equal to 5.2 inches?

The volume of a cube with one side equal to 5.2 inches is: 140.6 cubic inches.

What is the formula for volume of the cube?

Being a CUBE then all the sides are of equal length . Hence V(cube) = side^(3) V = s^(3)

What is the volume of a cube of side 4c?

The volume of a cube is width times depth times height and all sides are equal because it is a cube, therefore the volume is (4C) cubed or 64 (C)cubed.

What is the volume of a cube with a height of 2 units?

The volume of a cube is given by the formula V = s^3, where s is the length of the side of the cube. Since a cube has all sides equal, the height of 2 units is equal to the length of the side. Therefore, the volume of the cube is 2^3 = 8 cubic units.

What is the for the volume of a square?

There is no volume of a square, but a cube has volume and its equation is V=lenght*width*height or because all of the sides are equal for a cube side*side*side

What is the volume of a cube of side four cm?

Every side will be equal on a cube. The volume of a cube is width x length x height4x4x4 = 43 = 64 cm3

What is the egde length of a cube with volume 512cm3?

A cube has all sides equal length and its volume is length cubed. For c volume of 512, each side has length cube root of 512, or 8 cm

A cube has the volume of 125cmWhat are the length of its sides?

The length of a side (edge) of a cube is equal to the cube root of the volume. So, in this case the cube root of 125 is 5. Thus, each edge of the cube is 5 cm long.

What is The volume of a cube 5 inches on a side is?

The volume is equal to 53 or 125 cubic inches.