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Q: What is the volume of 4 grams of ice?
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What is the density of A 6 cm3 block of ice with a mass of 4 grams?

The density of the 6 cm3 block of ice is approximately 0.67 grams/cm3. This can be calculated by dividing the mass (4 grams) by the volume (6 cm3).

Why the 100 grams of ice would have a greater volume 100 grams of water?

When the water froze into ice it was expanding (thermal expanision) causing the 100 grams of ice to have a greater volume than 100 grams of water!

Explain why the grams of ice would have a greater volume than 100 grams of water?

Ice has a lower density than water, so the same mass of ice will occupy more space compared to water. This is because the molecular arrangement in ice forms a lattice structure that makes it less compact, resulting in a greater volume for the same mass.

How you have to measure ice cream?

Ice cream is measured by litres in bulk, or grams by serving

How much grams does 2 ice weigh?

Ice weighs approximately 0.92 grams per cubic centimeter. To calculate the weight of 2 ice cubes, we would need to know their volume in cubic centimeters.

A rock has a density of 4 gml and a mass of 16 grams what is the volume this rock occupies?

To find the volume of the rock, you can use the formula: Volume = Mass / Density. Plug in the values: Volume = 16 grams / 4 g/ml = 4 ml. So, the rock occupies a volume of 4 ml.

If you have a material that has a volume of 45mL and a mass of 180 grams what is the density of the material?

The density of the material is its mass divided by its volume. In this case, the density would be 180 grams / 45 mL = 4 grams/mL.

How many teaspoons equal 4 grams?

It depends on the material. Teaspoons are a unit of volume; grams are a unit of mass.

What is the volume of liter of a kilogram of ice at 0 degrees Celsius?

1kg = 1000g ice will have volume: Density = mass /volume Volume = mass / density Volume = 1000/0.92 Volume = 1,086.95ml = 1,087ml 1,087 ml = 1.087 liters.

How many cup in 240 grams?

Grams can't be converted to cups. Grams measure mass, while cups measure volume.

What is the volume in liters of a kilogram of ice at 0 degrees Celsius?

1kg = 1000g ice will have volume: Density = mass /volume Volume = mass / density Volume = 1000/0.92 Volume = 1,086.95ml = 1,087ml 1,087 ml = 1.087 liters.

What is the density of 100g and takes up 4 mL?

Density = Mass/Volume = 100 grams / 4 mL = 24 grams per mL.