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It is: 4*4*4 = 64 cubic units

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Q: What is the volume of a cube if the length of one side is 4?
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The volume of a cube depends on what?

The volume of a cube depends on the length of its edges. The formula to calculate the volume of a cube is V = s^3, where s represents the length of one side of the cube.

What is the formula for surface area and volume of a cube?

Surface Area of Cube is 6 x a^2 where a is the length of one side of cube. Volume of Cube is a^3 where a is the length of one side of cube.

What is the side length of a cube?

Answer in short: cube root of volume. Side length of a cube is the cube root of the volume of the cube or the square root of the area of one of its sides. Examples: A cube of volume 64 has a side length of 4, and a side area of 16. A cube is a symmetrical three dimensional object.

What is the volume of one half of the cube?

The volume of a cube is x3 where x is the side length. Therefore the volume of half a cube would be x3/2. For instance, if the side length of a cube was 2cm, the volume of one half would be 23/2 which comes out at 4cm3

A cube has a volume of 216cm3 what is the length of one side?


How do you find the volume of a cube when you have the length of one side?

Cube it. For example: l^3.

A cube has a volume of 64-cubic inches Whats the length of one side of the cube?

4 units of length

What is the volume of a cube that measures eleven inches on one side?

A cube with a side length of 11 inches has a volume of 1,331 cubic inches.

What is the length of one side of the cube is it has a volume of 8000 Cm?

Since the cube root of 8000 is 20, then each side has length 20.

What is the volume of the cube with one side 4?

The idea is to use the formula for the volume of a cube: V = s3 Where "V" is the volume, and "s" is the length of one side. Just replace the variable "s" with the actual length, and do the calculations.

A cube hav a volume of 64cm3 calculate the height of the cube?

The volume of a cube is given by side^3, where side is the length of one side of the cube. So, if the volume of the cube is 64 cm^3, then side^3 = 64 cm^3. Solving for side, we get side = 4 cm. Since the cube has equal sides, the height (or length of any side) of the cube is 4 cm.

What is the volume of a cube if the length of one side is 9 inches?

729cubic in.