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125 mm3 = 0.125 cm3

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Q: What is the volume of a cubic cell measuring 5mm on each side?
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What is the volume of a cube measuring 1cm on each side?

1 cubic centimeter

Why do you use cubic units when describing volume?

You use cubic units when you describe volume because a cube is measuring 1 unit on each edge and the edge has a volume of one cubic unit.

What is the volume of a cube measuring 5 cm on each side?

It is: 5*5*5 = 125 cubic cm

What is the volume of a cube measuring 1 cm on each side?

1.53 = 3.375 cubic cm

What is the of a cube measuring 5cm on each side?

The volume of a cube with 5 cm sides is 125 cubic cm.

What is the volume of a cube measuring 4.5 cm on each side?

It is: 4.5*4.5*4.5 = 91.125 cubic cm

What object will hold 1 cubic meter?

A cube with each side measuring 1 meter in length will have a volume of 1 cubic meter.

If a cubic aquarium has edges measuring 4.3 ft each what is the volume in cubic ft?

The volume of a cube is given by the formula V = s^3, where s is the length of the edge. In this case, with edges measuring 4.3 ft, the volume would be 4.3^3 = 79.507 ft^3.

What is the volume of a 6-sided die a cube with each side measuring 1.6 cm across?

Volume = 1.6*1.6*1.6 = 4.096 cubic cm

What is the definition for cubic meters?

A cubic meter is a unit of volume equal to the volume of a cube measuring 1 meter on each side. It is commonly used to measure the volume of solids and liquids.

What is the volume of a box measuring 2cm x 7cm x 3cm?

42 cubic cm.

What would be the volume of a square measuring 3 cm on each side?

Since the volume of a cube of side length L units = L3 cubic units, your example's volume = 27cc.