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The volume is 1,256.64 cubic feet.

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Q: What is the volume of a cylinder if it is 16ft in height and 10ft in width?
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What would the volume of a cylinder be with a radius of 3ft and a height of 10ft?

Volume: pi*32*10 = 90*pi cubic feet

What is the volume of a cylinder of 10ft x16ft?

The volume is: ~1,256.637 cubic feet.

What is the volume of a cylinder that is 8ft diameter x 10ft long?

Volume of cylinder = pi x r2 x height = 3.1416 x 16 square feet x 10 feet = 502.66 cubic feet

How do you find the volume of the cylinder 10ft by 16ft?

Volume in cubic feet = cross-section area*length

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The volume of the tee-pee is about 2,618 cubic feet.

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The surface area is 69.12ft2

What is the volume of a cylinder that has a diameter of 16 ft and height of 10 ft?

The formula for the volume of a cylinder is V = πr2h, where π is pi (3.14159), r is radius, and h is height. To get the radius, you divide the diameter by 2. So the radius is 16ft/2 = 8ft. Now you can plug your known values into the formula: V = πr2h = (3.14159)(8ft)2(10ft) = 2010.6ft3

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720 cubic feetFind volume by multiplying length x width x height: 10 x 12 x 6 = 720

If a building is 13ft high 10ft wide and 24ft long what is the area of the building?

The area is the length times the width. The height is irrelevant for the area.

How many gallons in a 10ft long 10ft wide and 10ft deep tank?

A tank that is 10ft long, 10ft wide and 10ft deep would hold 1,000 cubic feet of water. To convert this to gallons, one cubic foot is equal to 7.48 gallons. Therefore, the tank would hold approximately 7,480 gallons of water.

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Volume = pi*52*10 = 785.398 cubic feet to 3 decimal places

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