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V = 3.14 x 42 x 18 = 904.32

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Q: What is the volume of a cylinder with a height of 18 and a raidius of 4?
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What is what is the volume of a cylinder with the height of 18 feet and diameter of 22 feet?

The formula for the Volume of a cylinder is Pi*Radian2*Height=Volume. Therefore V=3.14*112*18=6842 ft3

What is the height of a cylinder volume 904.32 and radius four?

The height of a cylinder with a volume of 904.32 and radius of four is: 18 cubic units (17.99).

How do you find the volume of a cylinder with a diameter of 14 and height of 18?

The formula to find the volume of a cylinder is Pi x D x H. In this case 3.14 x 14 x 18

What is the volume of a cylinder that has a height of 21 feet and a radius of 18 ft?

Volume = pi*r2*h = 21375 cubic ft (approx)

The cylindrical can has a length of 18.00cm and diameter of 2.00cm what is the volume?

The volume of a cylinder is volume=((Pi)*radius^2)*height. Therefore it is equal to 1^2*pi=pi times height(18) =18pi cm cubed

What is the formula for determining the volume of a cylinder in cubic inches?

The formula to calculate the volume of a cylinder in cubic inches is V = πr^2h, where V represents the volume, r is the radius of the cylinder's base, and h is the height of the cylinder. Just substitute the values of the radius and height into the formula to find the volume.

Canister holds 3 tennis balls the diameter of the balls is the same as the diameter of the cylinder 6 cm how much space in the cylinder is not taken?

Canister holds 3 tennis balls the diameter of the balls is the same as the diameter of the cylinder 6 cm how much space in the cylinder is not taken? Since 3 tennis balls fit in the cylinder, the height of the cylinder is 3 * the diameter of a tennis ball Volume of Sphere = 4/3 * Π radius^3 Volume of Cylinder = height * Π radius^2 The diameter of a tennis ball is 6 cm The radius is 3 cm. Volume of 3 balls = 3* 4/3 * Π * radius^3 Volume of 3 balls = 3* 4/3 * Π * 3^3 Height of Cylinder = 3 * 6 cm = 18 cm Volume of cylinder = 18 * Π * 3^2 Space in the cylinder is not taken = Volume of cylinder - Volume of 3 balls Do the math, you should get 169.6 cc for the space in the cylinder is not taken.

What is the volume of a cylinder with the height of 14 feet and a diameter of 18 feet?

V = pi x D^2 /4 x height = 3.14 x 18 x 18 x 14 /4 = 3561 cu ft

What is the volume of a cylinder that has a height of 21 feet and a radius of 18 feet what is the cubic feet?

Volume = pi*182*21 = 21,375.396 cubic feet to 3 decimal places

If the raidius of a circle is 18 inches what is the diameter?

Diameter = twice the radius = 2 x 18 = 36 inches.

What is the volume of a cone with the height 18 and the radius 6?

A cone with height 18 and radius 6 has a volume of 678.6 units3

What is the volume in cubic meters of a cylinder with a diameter of 18 and a height of 10 feet?

72.1 cubic metres, approx - assuming that the diameter is 18 feet and not some other units.