270 cubic inches
3 x 5 x 7 = 105 cubic inches
Cubic inches or cubic meters. Take any unit of length and cube it and that is a unit for volume
It would be equal to the number of blocks in cubic inches.
The formula used to calculate the volume of a rectangular solid is: L*W*H=V
270 cubic inches
3 x 5 x 7 = 105 cubic inches
Cubic inches or cubic meters. Take any unit of length and cube it and that is a unit for volume
It would be equal to the number of blocks in cubic inches.
The formula used to calculate the volume of a rectangular solid is: L*W*H=V
20736 cubic inches. It isn't a cube unless all dimensions are the same. This would be a rectangular solid.
Density is weight divided by volume. In the case of a rectangular solid, volume is length times width times height.
Volume = cross-section area*length
Volume of a rectangular solid is the product of its length, breadth and heigth. Volume= 7x8x4= 224 cubic metres.
It is 2 cubic feet.
Water displacement
It is a cuboid