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216 cubic cm

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Q: What is the volume of the cube if the base is 36cm2?
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Cube that has a base with an area of 100 centimeters. What is the volume of the cube?

If the base of a cube is 100cm then the base must measure 10cm by 10cm. so, as it is a cube its height must also be 10cm. Therefore the volume of the cube is 10cm x10cm x10cm which equals 1000 cubic cm.

What is the area with a base of Cm and a height of Cm?

Area is 36cm2

How do you find the height of a cube?

Since: Volume = height x base Height = Volume / Base

What is the volume of a cube that has base of 4 inches and the height is 4 inches?

The volume of this cube is 64 cubic inches.

What is the base of a cube with the volume of 27?

3 by 3

What is the volume of a cube with a length of 4cm a base of 8cm and a height of 2cm?

1) It definitely isn't a cube. 2) The volume of the so called "cube" is 64cm3.

Given the cube below with base ABCD and a side of 7 what is the volume of the cube?

A cube, with a side of 7 units, would have a volume of 343 cubic units

How do you determine height of a cube given base and volume?

volume is length X width X height. so, divide the volume by the base.

What is the area of a triangle with base 12cm and height 6 cm?

Area is 36cm2

How does the area of the base of a cube relate to the volume of the cube?

The volume of any rectangular prism (including a cube) is width x height x length. The area of the bottom is width x length. So the area of the base is the volume divided by the height. With specifically a cube it gets even easier, because the lenght, width and height are all the same. So if the length (or the width or the height) = x , then the area of the base is x^2 (squared) and the volume of the cube is x^3 (cubed). this means the base of the cube is the volume divided by any of the following: length, width, height.

How long is the edge of a cube whose volume is twice that of a cube with a base edge of 8?

the cube root of 1024, roughly 10.08