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Q: What is the way individuals of a population are arranged in space called?
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The arrangement of individuals within a given amount of space?

The manner in which members of a population are arranged in a particular area is know as dispersion. There are three main kinds of dispersion, which are clumped dispersion, random dispersion, and uniform dispersion.

What term is given for the number of people living in a given space?

When a number of individuals live in one defined area, it is called a population.

What is the difference between population density and population dispersion?

Population density refers to the number of individuals living in a given area, usually per unit of area (such as square kilometers). Population dispersion refers to how individuals are distributed within that area, whether they are clumped together, evenly spread out, or randomly distributed. In essence, population density quantifies the number of individuals in a given space, while population dispersion describes how those individuals are spatially arranged within that space.

4 factors that affect the growth rate of a population?

Birth rate: The number of individuals being born into the population. Death rate: The number of individuals dying in the population. Immigration: The movement of individuals into the population. Emigration: The movement of individuals out of the population.

What is the number of individuals of the same species living in a designated unit of space?

The population.

How is space a limiting factor for a population?

Space can be a limiting factor for a population as it determines the carrying capacity of an area - the maximum number of individuals that the environment can support. When there is insufficient space, resources such as food, water, and shelter become scarce, leading to competition and potentially stunted population growth. Overcrowding can also increase the risk of disease outbreaks and cause stress and conflicts among individuals.

When resources can no longer sustain a population its called?

When resources can no longer sustain a population, it is referred to as overpopulation. This occurs when the available resources such as food, water, and space are insufficient to support the number of individuals in a given area, leading to negative effects on the environment and quality of life.

How is space politically orginized into states and nations?

Space is arranged into states and nations by the ideology shared by groups. Those that are culturally similar will be used to draw boundaries. Population is also sometimes used to draw political lines.

How will a population change if there is abundant space and food and if the population is protected from predators and disease?

If there is abundant space and food, and the population is protected from predators and disease, the population is likely to increase rapidly. With ample resources and minimal threats, individuals will have higher survival rates and reproduction rates, leading to a growing population size. Over time, this can lead to overpopulation if not managed carefully.

What contains inner membranes arranged in stacks of membranous sacs called grana in a cell?

Chloroplasts contain inner membranes arranged in stacks of membranous sacs called grana in a cell. Grana are where the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis occur, with the pigment chlorophyll capturing and converting light energy into chemical energy.

The largest population that an area can support is called its?

Carrying capacity. This term refers to the maximum number of individuals of a particular species that an environment can sustain indefinitely. It takes into account factors such as available resources, space, and competition among species.

Why is space important in a population?

Space is important in population because if there is'nt enough space for the whole population then the whole population cannot fit in the space.