"Eighty is".
The correct way to say 69 898 in word form is: sixty nine thousand eight hundred and ninety eight.
It is commonly expressed as zero point three, but the proper way to say it is three tenths.
That depends on the way that the word is pronounced. Some people will say that the word convenient has four syllables because they say it CON-VEE-NEE-ENT. Others will say three, because they say it CON-VEEN-YENT. I say it the second way, personally.
another way to write 2542 is word form....
"Eighty is".
The correct way to say 69 898 in word form is: sixty nine thousand eight hundred and ninety eight.
The word your can be both plural and singular. You may say to one person, "Is that your car?" You would also say to a group of people "Are those your cars?" Either way, the form of your does not change. The word "yours" is not a plural. It is the possessive form of your.
Fifteen thousand, four hundred nine.
A shorter way to say "he will" is "he'll." In the English language when you use an apostrophe with a pronoun, the letters that follow are a shortened form of some other word, such as "it's" is not the possessive form of "it" but is "it is." "He'll" is the condensed form of "he will."
alright, the way you would say this is one and four five thousandths.
It is commonly expressed as zero point three, but the proper way to say it is three tenths.
A word that expresses the way you say something I believe would be anger. When your angry you express it in the way you speak.
.. people dont?On my way is not a proper word but on the way is a proper word.
one way to write 1909 in word form is nineteen thousand nine
'Oizinho' is a kind (a little romantic, maybe) to say 'hello'! 'Oizinho' is de diminutive form of Oi (that means hello). It is commonplace in Portuguese to use the diminutive form to say things in a kind way.
The way you wrote it is the standard form.