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depends what that is, different materials have different densities and different weights

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Q: What is the weight of 1 cubic meter of ocean sediment?
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What is the total water pressure on a 600 cubic foot cylindrical vessel at 100 feet of depth in the ocean?

The water pressure depends only on the depth, not on the size or shape of the vessel. The pressure increases at about 1 atmosphere (or bar) every 10 meters.

What are the four ocean in order of largest to smallest?

Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Southern Ocean

What are the probable sources of salt in the atmosphere?

the ocean. water from the ocean evaporates into the air, ocean water has salt in it.

What fraction is 2 3rds for Arctic ocean?

This question cannot be answered in a sensible way. First of all, there is no artic ocean. The nearest is Arctic Ocean. Next, the fraction 2/3 is the same, whether in the Arctic ocean, or on the moon!

Toes toes toes toes toes. Fingers fingers fingers fingers fingers. What is 2 plus 2?

1 Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean covering more than 30% of the Earth. This is close to half of the water on Earth. It touches the west coast border of the Americas along with east Asia and Australia. The equator divides the Pacific Ocean into two separate parts – the North Pacific Ocean and South Pacific Ocean. Pacific means “peaceful” in Latin. It has the deepest trenches with an average depth of 3800m. READ MORE: Earth’s Crust: Oceanic Crust vs Continental Crust 2 Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean The Atlantic Ocean is situated between the Americas and European/African continents. The Atlantic Ocean is the second-largest and saltiest ocean in the world. It resembles an S-shape between the Americas, Europe, and Africa. “Atlantic” originated from the Greek god “Atlas” who carried the sky for eternity. The ocean bottom is composed of mid-Atlantic Ridge. This submarine mountain range extends all the way from Iceland to 58 degrees South latitude. It’s part of the longest mountain range in the world. The Vikings, Portuguese, and Christopher Columbus have extensively explored the Atlantic Ocean. Similarly to this day, it’s being used for trade routes such as the transatlantic trade route. 3 Indian Ocean Indian Ocean The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean surrounding a densely populated region. It contains an additional 20% of the water on Earth’s surface. It borders India in the North, East Africa, Australia, and the Southern Ocean. Because of the higher water temperature, it has limited marine life. Since about 800 A.D. the Indian Ocean has played an important role in trading. For centuries, navigators have sailed along major ocean currents for shipment routes. It is bounded by 4 tectonics plate boundaries and may include an additional plate boundary. It is the geologically youngest of the 5 oceans with spreading ridges at divergent plate boundaries. 4 Southern Ocean Southern Ocean In 2000, the Southern Ocean is the newest ocean recognized by the International Hydrographic Organization. It borders Antarctica in its entirety. In terms of size, it’s the fourth-largest at 20,327,000 square kilometers. It extends out to 60 degrees South latitude. It’s an extreme environment and is the least understood of the 5 oceans. This is because it is unexplored, far from populated areas, and has a severe climate. Despite the Southern Ocean being unexplored, about 80% of all oceans in the world are unexplored. There’s still a lot of work to do for ocean exploration. 5 Arctic Ocean Arctic Ocean The Arctic Ocean is the world’s smallest and shallowest ocean of all 5 oceans. Further to this, it is the coldest and least salty ocean. In size, the Arctic Ocean is about the size of Russia. Because it’s located at the North Pole, the Arctic Ocean has polar ice. But over the years, glaciers have melted threatening sea levels to rise. Despite the IHO recognizing it as the “Arctic Ocean”, some oceanographers still call it the “Arctic Sea”. The Arctic Ocean is the most diverse in terms of fish species. It has a wide variety of marine species including whales, jellyfish, etc. But because of its frigid temperatures, it has little plant life. This makes it one of the most fragile ecosystems on the planet.

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How much is ocean or salt water?

There are a number of variables which will determine the exact weight. It is generally accepted that the weight is 64lbs per cubic foot

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Yes; and a recent study has showed that "when you go Anywhere within the Ocean bottom and you obtain a 'one cubic meter' sample;" you are actually obtaining a full one cubic meter of Bacteria.

When sediment sinks into the ocean floor it is called?

When sediment sinks into the ocean floor, it is called sedimentation. Over time, layers of sediment build up and compress to form sedimentary rocks.

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How does sediment that is closer to a mid ocean ridge compare to sediment that is farther away?

it is older

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the crust will cool to form metamorphic rock

How does sediment that is closer to a mid ocean ridge compare to sediment that is father away?

It's thinner

Where on the ocean floor is sediment the thickest?

the thickest accumulation of sediment on the ocean floor is at the CONTINENTAL SLOPES AND RISES. :)

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What is an ocean floor sediment?

broken up rocks

What is the triangular or fan shaped deposit of sediment that forms where a river empties into an ocean or lake?

silt This trianguar deposit of sediment where a river empties into an ocean is called a delta.

What happens to the sediment that is carried by water?

Sediment carried by water can be deposited along riverbanks, in lakes, or the ocean, forming sediment layers. It can also be transported over long distances and eventually settle at the ocean floor. Sediment can impact aquatic ecosystems, increase turbidity, and contribute to erosion.