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If you make the grapefruits the variable x, you can create the equation 1.5x = 30 oz. Solve for x (the weight of one grapefruit) by dividing both sides of the equation by 1.5. 30/1.5 = 20. If x = 20, then 4 x's (grapefruits) would be 4 * 20, which is 80.

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11y ago

1.5 grapefruits = 30 oz

So each one is 30/1.5 = 20 oz

and so 4 are 20*4 = 80 oz.

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Q: What is the weight of 4 grapefruit if one and a half weigh 30 oz?
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How many grams of carbs in a grapefuit?

HOW MANY CARBOHYDRATES IN A GRAPEFRUITWHOLE:27 grams of carbohydrate in a large grapefruit (4.5" diameter)20.5 grams of carbohydrate in a medium grapefruit (3.75" diameter)16 grams of carbohydrate in a small grapefruit (3.5" diameter)HALF:14 grams of carbohydrate in half a large grapefruit10.25 grams of carbohydrate in half a medium grapefruit8 grams of carbohydrate in half a small grapefruitBY MEASUREMENT OR WEIGHT:18.5 carbohydrates in 1 cup of grapefruit pieces with the juices2.25 carbs in 1 ounce, or 28g, of grapefruitFor free low carbohydrate charts and food lists showing how many carbohydrates you should have in total per day, and what foods to eat, and for the Carbohydrate in Vegetables Chart, and the Carbohydrate in Fruits Chart, see the page links given below. Use the charts as daily guides for weight loss, or weight maintenance once you have reached your target weight. THE CARBOHYDRATE IN VEGETABLES CHARTTHE CARBOHYDRATE IN FRUIT CHARTLOW CARB FOODS AND HOW MANY CARBS PER DAY (for weight loss or weight maintenance)14 people, + others elsewhere, found this answer page useful.*Video: The health benefits of grapefruit

Can you eat grapefruit while on tetracycline?

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