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The weight of water depends upon the gravitational attraction between the earth and the water. Since this varies from place to place, it is not possible to answer this question.

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Q: What is the weight of water at 27 deg C?
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How much does a cubic decimeter of water weight?

At 4 deg C and a pressure of 1 atmosphere, the mass is 0.999972 kilograms. At this temperature, water is at its most dense. At room temperature (20 deg C) the mass is 0.9982071 kg. The weight will, of course, depend on where on earth (or elsewhere) the weight is measured.

What is the weight of 700 ml of water?

It depends of course on the temperature, at +4°C (when water is at its densest) 700 liters of water weighs 700 kilograms, slightly over 1543 pounds.

How temperature affect the density of water?

The density of water increases as its temperature increases from 0 deg C to 4 deg C (the anomalous expansion phase). Above 4 deg C, the density decreases with temperature.

When does water boil and freeze on the celsius scale?

At normal pressure, pure water boils at 100 deg C and freezes at 0 deg C.

What is 220 centigrade to Fahrenheit?

212 deg F = 100 deg C = the boiling point of water at standard air pressure (sea level).220 deg F = 104 deg C

Convert 250 c to f?

250 deg C = 482 deg F.250 deg C = 482 deg F.250 deg C = 482 deg F.250 deg C = 482 deg F.

How many F is 110 C?

110 deg C = 230 deg F.110 deg C = 230 deg F.110 deg C = 230 deg F.110 deg C = 230 deg F.

Can a temperature on the celsius scale go below zero?

The Celsius or centigrade scale runs from -273 deg C to you name it. 0 deg C is the freezing point of pure water 100 deg C is the boiling point of water. 15,000,000 deg C is the core temperature of the Sun The Kelvin scale (K) uses the same units. -273 deg C = 0 deg K. 0 deg K is also known as absolute zero, the point at which no further heat energy can be extracted from a system

Is ascorbic acid soluble?

Yes, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is soluble in water. It dissolves easily in water to form a clear solution.

What is the temperature at which water boils on the Fahrenheit and Celsius sales?

212 deg F and 100 deg C.

What temperature is 12 degrees c colder that -4 degrees c?


What degree does water freeze and boil using celsius?

Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and boils at 100 degrees Celsius under normal atmospheric pressure.