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There is no weight ratio for height. The weight of an object depends on its the volume and density. The volume depends on the height as well as the average cross section so height, alone, cannot determine weight.

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Q: What is the weight ratio for height?
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What is the significance of maintaining an ideal ratio of weight to height?

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What is the significance of maintaining ideal ratio of weight to height?

People who stay close to the ideal height/weight ratio have a better chance of remaining healthy into Old age. They don't get diabetic, they avoid heart disease, their knees and hips last longer.

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The ratio of the height of an object to the length of its base.

Is it okay to be tall 11 years old and weigh 110 and is it okay to be 54' am i overweight?

You are at a healthy weight for your height, 5'4". Your body mass index (ratio of height to weight in terms of body fat) is 19, which means you are at the lower range for normal weight.

Are you fat if you are 12 years old and your bmi is 24?

BMI (Body Mass Index) is the ratio between height and weight-- the asker has already entered the relevant height and weight. Regardless of what height was plugged into the equation, a BMI of 24 is definitely within the normal range.

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There is no single ratio. The Body Mass Index has been discredited and is not generally used because muscle is denser than fatty tissue. However, that index was based on the ratio of mass to the squared height - not the height. A height:weight ratio is likely to be useless.

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Without knowing the country you are from and your racial back ground that would be impossible to know, for example the height of a Kalahari bushman at 26 would be vastly different from that of a Dutchman.

How many kilogram do you have to be to be an anorexic?

It's not that simple ! It's the ratio of your weight to your height that's used to calculate whether you're anorexic or not.