There are 175 such numbers.
Yes. A whole number is any positive number including zero. Let's say you want to use the whole number 47. The scientific notation for 47 is 4.7 times 101. You can put any number into scientific notation except fractions. You would have to change the fraction to a decimal (if possible) before you could put it into scientific notation.
Any whole number can be expressed as a fraction by putting it over 1.
The answer is 138
In standard notation, 34.5 is written as "thirty-four point five." This format is used to represent decimal numbers, where the whole number part is stated first, followed by the decimal point, and then the fractional part. In this case, the whole number part is 34, and the fractional part is 0.5, which is equivalent to one-half.
Oh, dude, writing 3.7 in standard notation is like a piece of cake. You just gotta drop that decimal point and move it to the right to make it a whole number. So, 3.7 in standard notation is 37. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
There are 156 such numbers.
There are 175 such numbers.
Yes. A whole number is any positive number including zero. Let's say you want to use the whole number 47. The scientific notation for 47 is 4.7 times 101. You can put any number into scientific notation except fractions. You would have to change the fraction to a decimal (if possible) before you could put it into scientific notation.
Any whole number can be expressed as a fraction by putting it over 1.
The standard form of a whole number is when a whole number is written in digits with commas separating the digits into groups of three starting from right to left
8.581 X 1010============Just count decimal places right to left until just to the right of the first whole number and that is the exponent. The zeroes are superfluous.
The answer is 138
Any whole number in fractional notation is itself over 1. so, 2 in fractional notation is 2/1. Simple!