7/2 is a rational fraction and there is no sensible way to represent it as a whole number. There is no whole number in it.
8.75 is the decimal. It can't be written as a whole number.
To the nearest whole number: 1
1.75 rounded to the nearest whole number is 2.
It is: 1 and 3/4 = 1.75 as a decimal which can be rounded up to 2 as a whole number
Three-fourths and one-fourth make a whole.
Three fourths is a fraction. It is NOT a whole number and cannot be represented by one. It is as simple as that.
8.75 is the decimal. It can't be written as a whole number.
To the nearest whole number: 1
You cannot convert three-fourths onto a whole number.... it is a fraction, indicating that some item has been divided into four parts and you are dealing with three of them. You can convert three-fourths of a known number into another (smaller) number by dividing the known number by 4 and multiplying the result by 3 - so that three-fourths of 120 would be calculated as 120 / 4 = 30. 30 x 3 = 90..... so 90 is three-fourths of 120.
there are 2 whole bagels and three-fourths of a third bagels. write a mixed number that represents the amount of bagels
Three fourths of a number is the same as 75 percent of a number. To find three fourths of a number, multiply the number by 0.75.
no three fourths is more close to a whole. and three eighths is less to a whole than three fourths.so the answer is NO, three eights is not larger than three fourths.
1.75 rounded to the nearest whole number is 2.
six and three-fourths
It is: 1 and 3/4 = 1.75 as a decimal which can be rounded up to 2 as a whole number
Three-fourths and one-fourth make a whole.
A fraction is a mathematical term used to describe part of a whole, as in if a whole was divided into X number of pieces. A fraction consists of a numerator, which describes a number of parts, and a denominator, which describes how many parts are necessary to make a whole. For example, three-fourths means that we have three parts and there are four parts that make a whole so we have three-fourths of a whole.