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Christianity followed by Islam are the widely practiced religions in Europe.

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Q: What is the widely practiced religion in Europe?
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Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in Europe

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What are religions that are practiced in Europe?

The main religion in Europe are Christianity, Islam and a little bit of Hinduisim.

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In the 1700s, the dominant religion varied by region. In Europe, Christianity, particularly Protestantism and Catholicism, was prominent. In the Middle East, Islam was prevalent. In South Asia, Hinduism and Islam were widely practiced.

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anywhere, but its most openly practiced in places like England, Ireland, and places around and in Europe

What religions are practiced the most in Algeria?

Islam is the most widely practiced religion in Algeria by far, with over 99% of Algerians practicing Sunni Islam. Christianity and Judaism are the next most widely practiced, both combining to form 1% of the population.