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24' x 8'

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Q: What is the width and length of the football goal?
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Height and width of the football goal?

the height and width of the goal is 20 feet wide and 8 feet tall

What the width and length of the football?

5 inches length and 3 inch width -Matt Speilman

The width of an Canadian football league goal post?

The goal post dimensions in Canadian football are the same as in American football. The goal posts are on the goal line. The hash marks are not in line with the uprights.

How big is the real football goal?

it is 8' tall and the width is 24'

What is the length of a football field from goal to goal post?

It is believed to be 116 yards.

Can i know the footballl court length?

the length of a football filed is 100 yards from goal line to goal line

What is the length of a football field goal?

120 yds

What is the length of the NFL football field goal post to goal post?

120 yards

What is the length of a football field from goal to post to goal post?

120 yards3650 feet

Was the width of the goal posts for professional football ever changed?

The original American football field was 70 yards wide, but that was long before the days of the NFL. The width of the NFL field has never changed, because the standard width of 53 1/3 yards was in place before the league came into existence.

Length of a football field in perimeter?

The perimeter is 328 m. (Width: 64m length: 100m)

How many meter in football?

The length of football pitches vary, but must be between 120m and 90m in length and between 50m and 100m in width. The standard length used in the professional stadiums of the world, like Old Trafford is 105m in length and 68m in width.