Converting inches to square feet is a basic formula that uses simple division and multiplication. If you can convert feet to square feet, you can convert inches to square feet. There's just one extra step. For illustration purposes, the following instructions will assume you are measuring a room.Step 1Measure the length of the room and write down the number of inches.Step 2Convert the inches to feet by dividing the inches by 12. For example, if the length of the room is 168 inches, divide 168 by 12 and the answer is 14. That means that the length of the room is 14 feet.Step 3Next, measure the width of the room and write down the number of inches.Step 4Again, convert the inches to feet by dividing the inches by 12. For example, if the width of the room is 120 inches, divide 120 by 12 and the answer is 10. That means the width of the room is 10 feet.Step 5To determine the square footage, multiply the length and width of the room in feet. In this case, it would be 14 feet x 10 feet = 140 square feet.* * * * *All of the above is utter nonsense. You cannot convert inches to sqaure feet because the first is a measure of length in 1-dimensional space whereas the second is a measure of are in 2-dimensional space. The two measure different things and, according to the basic rules of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.
The area of a room 11 ft x 11.5 ft = 126.5 square feet.The volume of a room 11 ft x 11.5 feet x 7.5 ft = 948.75 cubic feet.
Area = Width * Height = 11 7/12 * 6 = 69.5 Square Feet
Convert inches to feet ie 120 inches divided by 12' inches in a foot would equal 10 feet once you have the dimensions in feet, then it is Length X Width 10' X 12' would equal 120 sq feet.
Area is the product of length and width of the room. It is easier to calculate in square inches when the dimensions are a mixture of feet and inches, and then divide the product by 144 to convert it to square feet. 12'2" x 10'7" = 146" x 127" = 18,542 square inches = 129 square feet (rounded).
If the numbers provided are inches, then the room contains 228 Square feet.
length = 36width = 18Ratio length : width36:18divide both sides by 182:1The ratio of length to width is 2 as to 1.
For area measurements, you multiply the length by the width. Here the calculation gives you an answer of 44.20 square feet.
1. Multiply the length in inches times the width in inches, which will give you the number of cubic inches in the room. 2. Divide that anser by 144, which will give you the number of square feet in the room. 3. Example: room is 36 inches long and 24 inches wide. Multiply 36X24 = 864 cubic inches. 864 divided by 144 = 6 cubic feet.
To find the number of inches in a room that is 264 square feet, you would first need to know the dimensions of the room. Once you have the length and width in feet, you can convert them to inches (1 foot = 12 inches) and then multiply the two measurements together to get the total square inches in the room.
The dimensions of the room would could be any length and width that would equal 200 square feet when multiplied together. It could be square with length and width both being about 14 feet 2 inches, or maybe rectangular with a length of 16 feet 8 inches and a width of 12 feet, or 10 feet by 20 feet, etc.
That depends on the length and width of the room - there are many different rectangles that have the same surface, in this case, 100 square feet. 100 square feet = 14,400 square inches
109. rounded up 110
Converting inches to square feet is a basic formula that uses simple division and multiplication. If you can convert feet to square feet, you can convert inches to square feet. There's just one extra step. For illustration purposes, the following instructions will assume you are measuring a room.Step 1Measure the length of the room and write down the number of inches.Step 2Convert the inches to feet by dividing the inches by 12. For example, if the length of the room is 168 inches, divide 168 by 12 and the answer is 14. That means that the length of the room is 14 feet.Step 3Next, measure the width of the room and write down the number of inches.Step 4Again, convert the inches to feet by dividing the inches by 12. For example, if the width of the room is 120 inches, divide 120 by 12 and the answer is 10. That means the width of the room is 10 feet.Step 5To determine the square footage, multiply the length and width of the room in feet. In this case, it would be 14 feet x 10 feet = 140 square feet.* * * * *All of the above is utter nonsense. You cannot convert inches to sqaure feet because the first is a measure of length in 1-dimensional space whereas the second is a measure of are in 2-dimensional space. The two measure different things and, according to the basic rules of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.
The area of a room 11 ft x 11.5 ft = 126.5 square feet.The volume of a room 11 ft x 11.5 feet x 7.5 ft = 948.75 cubic feet.
Area = Width * Height = 11 7/12 * 6 = 69.5 Square Feet
Convert inches to feet ie 120 inches divided by 12' inches in a foot would equal 10 feet once you have the dimensions in feet, then it is Length X Width 10' X 12' would equal 120 sq feet.