One hundred trillion, three hundred forty-two.
7 000 000= seven million
The correct word form is: thirty sextillion, seven hundred quintillion
This is not as hard as it may seem at first. 21,000,000,000 is 21 times 109 and 10 = 2(5) and 21 = 3(7) so the factorization is (29)(3)(59)(7)
Three hundred and Forty Thousand
29 000 000
One septillion
29 t = 928 000 oz
29 000 000 German cars
One hundred trillion, three hundred forty-two.
100,000,000 x 1,000,000 = 100,000,000,000,000 = 1.0 x 10^(14) in word, One Quadrillion.
7 000 000= seven million
Expanded Form: 60 000 000 000 + 4 000 000 000 + 300 000 000 + 8 000 000 + 400 000 + 70 000 + 200 + 4. Word Form: sixty-four billion, three-hundred and eight thousand, four hundred and seventy thousand, two hundred and four. For further clarification, message me on my message board. Thanks!
The correct word form is: thirty sextillion, seven hundred quintillion
1 000 000 000 = 109 = (2 x 5)9 = 29 x 59 = 512 x 1953125
16 followed by 9 zeros ie 16 000 000 000