A Palindrome.
It is one word "backwards" (in reverse).
There are two morphemes in the word "backwards": "back" and "wards".
It is pronounced "sem-or-dni-lap" - the word palindrome spelled backwards.
"Glance" spelled backwards is "ecnalg," which is not a recognized word in English.
The word "level" spelled backwards reads as "level".
A word that is the same spelled backwards and forwards is called a palindrome.
The word backwards is "adaven" and does not appear to have any significance.
The word or name backwards is yekcim, with no obvious significance.
Racecar is racecar backwards.
Retroflex is the closest to bending backwards.
The word "hat" backwards is "tah" and has no real significance.
The word spelled backwards is yfful, which has no obvious significance.