Leading zeros have no value and therefore 001 is the same as 1 or one. If you meant 0.001 then the 1 is in the thousandths place and therfore represents one thousandth.
001 = one
23 times .001 = 0.023
.001 percent = .001 per hundred = .01 per thousand = 10 per million
0.001 = milli 0.000 001 = micro 0.000 000 001 = nano 0.000 000 000 001 = pico
None because 001 is the same as 1
1 Thousandth
001 = one
0.000 001 is one millionths.0.000 001 is one millionths.0.000 001 is one millionths.0.000 001 is one millionths.
9.1e - 001 = 0.91
0800 001 001
maybe 001?
23 times .001 = 0.023
There isn't a 001 Moshling.
There is no moshling 001.
The 0005 is larger without a decimal points. If you meant .001 and .0005, the .001 is larger.