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The Selective Service Act.

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Q: What is the word for men 18-25 must register to serve our country?
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Related questions

What must all 18-year-old males in this country do?

They must register for the draft.

How can you register a car without a title?

You cannot. You must obtain the relevant documents for the country in question.

what are some examples of civic obligation ?

Every citizen must pay taxes.Every citizen must obey the laws.Every citizen must agree to serve on a jury if selected.Every (male) citizen must register for the military's selective service

What does concscripted mean?

It is the same as being drafted. It is where your country informs you that you must serve in the military.

What is the minimum percent of a sentence that an offender must serve?

That depends on the country/ state but typically about a half (50%).

How long before an election must you register?

21 days before the election...if the election is on Nov. 4th, then you have to be registered by Oct. 14.

The GMC Medical Register lists doctors in what country?

The GMC Medical Register is located in the United Kingdom. In order for doctors in the UK to practice medicine they must be registered with a licence to practice from the General Medical Council.

What must eligible voters do before they may vote?

Eligible voters must usually register to vote before they can participate in an election. They may need to provide identification or other documentation depending on local regulations.

How old must you be to serve in the Georgia Senate?

How old must you be to serve in the Georgia Senate

DO airlines serve food for flights across the country?

Yes. Every plan MUST have food for 16 hours flying or higher!

What do you call the register that organisations that hold personal data must register with?

Certificate Authority (CA)

Does an immigrant have to register with the US Selective Service when he turns 18?

According to the Who Must Register chart at immigrants must register with the US Selective Service. There are further details at the above URL