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Acetic and acid ARE words, so the word form is acetic acid!

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Q: What is the word form for acetic acid?
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Related questions

Is vinegar a acetic acid?

because the word aceta is derived from acetum,means vinegar,vinegar is actually the dilute form of acetic acid

What is the Latin word for acetic acid?

The Latin word for acetic acid is "acidum aceticum."

What is another word for ethanoic acid?

Acetic Acid. In the modern IUPAC Nomenclature it is 'Ethanoic Acid' The old cammercial name is 'Acetic Acid'. The chemical formula/structure is 'CH3COOH'.

Is acetic acid aqueous?

Yes, acetic acid in its typical form is a liquid that is soluble in water and commonly found in its aqueous or diluted form in household vinegar.

What is the balanced equation for the reaction between salicylic acid and acetic anhydride?

The balanced equation for the reaction between salicylic acid and acetic anhydride to form aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is: salicylic acid + acetic anhydride → aspirin + acetic acid.

Is acetic acid miscible in water?

Yes, acetic acid is miscible in water. This means that acetic acid can fully dissolve in water to form a homogeneous solution.

What other acid can form acetic acid?

Acetic acid can be formed by the oxidation of ethanol or by the fermentation of sugars in the presence of certain bacteria.

What salt does acetic acid form?

Acetic acid forms sodium acetate salt when combined with sodium hydroxide.

What is acetic acid of argentum?

Acetic acid is a weak organic acid commonly found in vinegar, while argentum is the Latin word for silver. There is no specific compound called "acetic acid of argentum."

What salt is formed when triethylamine reacts with acetic acid?

The salt formed when triethylamine reacts with acetic acid is triethylammonium acetate. This salt is formed when the amine group of triethylamine reacts with the carboxylic acid group of acetic acid, resulting in the formation of a salt and water as a byproduct.

Which is a stronger acid Hydrochloric or acetic?

Hydrochloric acid is stronger than acetic acid. This is because hydrochloric acid fully dissociates in water to form more H+ ions, making it a stronger acid compared to acetic acid, which only partially dissociates.

Does Pine Sol contain vinegar acetic acid acetates or anything that would form acetic acid when heated?

no , but it does have lactic acid and citric acid and HCL