Written in words, it would be as follows:
Two hundred ninety-eight billion, five hundred five million, six hundred seventy-two thousand, one hundred eighty-seven.
what is the word name for 16.72
The word 'name' has 1 syllable.
OHOOXO - a brand name rather than a normal word. OHOOXO - a brand name rather than a normal word. OHOOXO - a brand name rather than a normal word. OHOOXO - a brand name rather than a normal word.
The word name for the number 86012 is eighty-six thousand twelve.
The Gospel, Holy Word, The Word of God.
because it is the name of a game and a name is not a word
what is the word name for 16.72
Eponymy is the derivation of a word from a name.
The African Luhya word for the English word 'name' is "eliraa".
The English word name is the same as the Kikuyu word retwa.
The first word is the genus name.
The prefix for the word "name" is "re-".
The Igbo word for "name" of the Western African origin is afa.
The first word is the genus.
Clinton Word's birth name is Clinton Ray Word.
The word "word" in Aramaic is "milta".
The word 'name' has 1 syllable.