The word name for the number 86012 is eighty-six thousand twelve.
One number name that can replace the word penny is cent. Another example of a number name for a penny is a copperhead coin.
836 x 2 = 1672
1672 1672
The word name for the number 86012 is eighty-six thousand twelve.
From 1670 to 1672, Newton lectured on optics.
The phone number of the Henry M. Seymour Library is: 662-887-1672.
The phone number of the Highlands-Shelby Park Branch is: 502-574-1672.
The phone number of the New York City Museum is: 212-534-1672.
Robert Fruin has written: 'De oorlog van 1672' -- subject(s): Anglo-Dutch War, 1672-1674, Dutch War, 1672-1678
Yes, Address is the word for street number and name. It is also a word that is used for speeches etc.
The Navigation Act of 1672 placed a tax or duty on certain items shipped from America to England.
In 1672