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Q: What is the word that describes being all right that one person does something but not all right for another to do the same thing?
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No! Noun is a word that name something, such as person, place etc. Emergent is an adjective that describes something that is emerging, or suddenly coming into existence. Emergent means “coming into being.” It's often used in phrases like “emergent technologies.”

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No, "foreign" is an adjective that describes something as being from or characteristic of another country. An adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb to provide more information about how, when, where, or to what extent something is done.

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The meaning of the saying 'I am so humbled' is that a person is flattered and is being made to feel modest of something. Another meaning is feeling undeserving of something.

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Empathy is the term that describes the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It involves being able to put oneself in someone else's shoes and see things from their perspective.

What does empathatic mean?

AnswerAn empath is a person who can feel and know what a person is feeling just by a look of their eyes. This is not something you can learn. You eather are or you aren't!

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something which u can easily catched1. Easily diffused or spread as from one person to another(of disease) capable of being transmitted by infection.

How does gossip travel in schools?

Gossip usually starts by someone telling someone something, that person telling another person, that person telling another and so on. As the story is being passed on, people change it a little, sort of like in whisper down the lane.

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Unfairly favouring something or someone over another thing. You might be interviewing someone for a job and favour someone against another person because that person is a friend or a relative, even though the other person was better for the job. You are being biased.

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An allocatee is a person to whom something is allocated.

Is the word unstuck an adjective?

No, "unstuck" is not an adjective. It is a past participle verb form that can be used as an adjective to describe something as no longer stuck or free from being fixed in one position.