You mean what is the other word ... multiply. Two numbers can be timsed/timesed or multiplied.
Keep in mind that some folks don't like using times as a verb (timesed, timesing) so in more formal writings check with your instructor. Otherwise use either one.
The answer you get when you multiply two numbers together.
The product of two numbers is the answer to multiplying the two numbers together.
Is the result of multiplying two numbers together.
The numbers will be the square root of 1120
The answer you get when you multiply two numbers together.
The product of two numbers is the answer to multiplying the two numbers together.
5 and -3
Is the result of multiplying two numbers together.
The numbers will be the square root of 1120
The answer to two or more numbers multiplied together is called a product.
The quantity of two numbers is the product of the two numbers. Just multiply them together. The answer is the quantity of the two numbers.
The two numbers you can multiply together to equal 782 are 23 by 34.
The two numbers you multiply together to equal 391 are 17 by 23.
When you add two (or any number of) numbers together, the result is called the sum.