No. Worms are hermaphrodites - both male and female in the same organism.
ummm, depends on there age. Did you know worms have five hearts? This is a strange question. It also depends on the type of worm, so no. not all worms are the same size.
gummy worms.
The Concordat of Worms.
worms Ahem! FYI Worms arn't insects.
A snake is a limbless animal that crawls by using its unique body structure and muscle movements to propel itself forward.
6 meters
The head is the end of the worm that is closest to its clitellum (or, the band-like swelling which secretes a viscous fluit to coat and protect its eggs); if no clitellum is visible, you can put the worm down and observe the direction in which it crawls, and the head is leading it.
One species eating dead members of it's own species who have learned a particular task will not help the younger member of the species learn anything faster.
The parasitic worms of animals are of varying lengths. Some are shorter than an inch while others can be several inches long.
What do salamanders eat?* Salamanders eat larger things as they grow.Mosquito larvae, rain worms, maggots, mysis, fruit flies, spiders, springtails, and buffalo worms*What do newts eat?*Feeding usually varies between species of newtBloodworms, earthworms, brine shrimp, glass shrimp, larger species may eat guppies
Flatworms such as tape worms and flukes, and roundworms such as trichinosis-causing worms, filarial worms, ascarid worms and hook worms.
Meal-worms are actually beetle grubs - NOT worms.
round worms are round and flat worms are flat!
silk worms are tiny worms hanging from silk on a tree
No worms do not have bones