0.0970 written in scientific notation is: 9.700000e-2
500 written in scientific notation is 5.0 × 102
13200000 written in scientific notation is: 1.32 × 107
29678900500 written in scientific notation = 2.96789005 × 1010
1,000,000 written in scientific notation is 1.0 × 106
The answer will depend on the quantity of KCN.
KCN kills a human being in 0.5 second.
To answer this you need a roman numeral on gold to know the charge on it. Assuming it would be (I)... the formula would be KAu(CN)2
We can prepare KCN by the reaction of KOH and HCN.Where HCN can be generated by the pyrolysis of formamide.
Examples of poisonous salts: KCN, HgCl2, NaCN.
Yes, a 0.1 M solution of KCN will have a pH greater than 7.0. Potassium cyanide (KCN) produces hydroxide ions when dissolved in water, leading to an increase in pH above 7.0.
The pH of a solution of KCN depends on the concentration of the solution. However, since KCN is the salt of a weak acid (HCN) and a strong base (KOH), the solution is expected to be basic.
1.05x108 written in standard notation is 105,000,000
0.0970 written in scientific notation is: 9.700000e-2
500 written in scientific notation is 5.0 × 102
13200000 written in scientific notation is: 1.32 × 107
29678900500 written in scientific notation = 2.96789005 × 1010