There are only two smaller 3-digit numbers and both of them have repeated digits.
It is -987. The smallest positive 3-digit integer with unique digits is 102.
18. The sum of its digits is 9. And yes, it is unique.
The number 72319 is a five-digit number. It is an odd number since it ends with the digit 9. It has unique digits with no repeated digits.
There are 8 digits in a City Union Bank checking account number. Every account will have its own unique number.
If a number An consisting of n consecutive digits in ascending order is subtracted from the number An' obtained by reversing the digits of An, then the difference is always a constant. This constant is termed as the 'Unique number' Un as reported by me earlier in. For example, a 3-digit number 345 if subtracted from its reverse 543, yields a difference of 198. Thus U3 = 198. Another 3-digit number, say, 678 if subtracted from its reverse 876 will also yield the same difference, that is, 198. Thus for any number consisting of 3 consecutive digits, the Unique number U3 is always 198. Similarly for a number consisting of 4 consecutive digits, the Unique number U4 = 3087.
There are only two smaller 3-digit numbers and both of them have repeated digits.
A Pakistani passport number typically consists of 9 digits. The first two letters are followed by 7 digits. These digits are unique to each passport holder and are used for identification and verification purposes.
Here are some:It has only 1 and itself as unique factors. (They cannot be the same.)It ends (if 2 or more digits long) with the digits 1, 3, 7 or 9 only.
No, two different credit cards cannot have the same number but different last 4 digits. Each credit card number is unique and cannot be duplicated.
It is -987. The smallest positive 3-digit integer with unique digits is 102.