Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 13 1/7 - 11 3/4 = 1 11/28 or one and eleven twenty-eighths. Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 1.39285714 recurring (that is, 1.39285714285714...)
The answer is 11 /12 minus 3/4 = 1/6
119/136 - 44/136 = 75/136
Six twelves is 72. 72 minus three fourths is 71 and one fourth. If you meant six twelfths minus three fourths, the answer is minus one fourth.
1 and one fourths :D
Eight and three fourths minus by two and one fourth equals six and one fourths (6.5).
The answer is 11 /12 minus 3/4 = 1/6
One fourth is three twelfths. So eleven twelfths minus three twelfths is eight twelfths, which is also two thirds.
119/136 - 44/136 = 75/136
7/8 - 1/3 = 21/24 - 8/24 = 13/24 (thirteen twenty-fourths)
1 whole = 4 fourths 4 wholes = 16 fourths 4 wholes minus 2 fourths = 16 fourths minus 2 fourths = (16 - 2) fourths = 14 fourths 14 fourths = 3 wholes plus 2 fourths, or 3 wholes plus 1 tooth.
Six twelves is 72. 72 minus three fourths is 71 and one fourth. If you meant six twelfths minus three fourths, the answer is minus one fourth.
3/4 = 9/12 11/12 - 9/12 = 2/12 = 1/6 one sixth
Three fourths minus three sixths equals one fourth
5 and half
1 and one fourths :D
Eight and three fourths minus by two and one fourth equals six and one fourths (6.5).
Three fourths minus five tenths is one fourth.