38/100 as a decimal is 0.38
Four hundred thirty-two and ninety-eight hundredths.
Seven and thirty-hundredths as a decimal is 7.30
0.37 is thirty-seven hundredths written as a decimal.
There is an 8. "And" means there is a decimal. "thirty-three hundredths" means that there are three tenths and three hundredths, which also equals 0.33. All together it's "eight and thirty-three hundredths".
38/100 as a decimal is 0.38
Four hundred thirty-two and ninety-eight hundredths.
Seven and thirty-hundredths as a decimal is 7.30
Thirty eight and twenty nine hundredths
Four hundred thirty-two and ninety-eight hundredths
0.37 is thirty-seven hundredths written as a decimal.
There is an 8. "And" means there is a decimal. "thirty-three hundredths" means that there are three tenths and three hundredths, which also equals 0.33. All together it's "eight and thirty-three hundredths".
eight and eight hundredths = 8.08 in decimaleight and eight hundredths as a decimal = 8.08