That is 6 and 1/5
Whole numbers such as 8014 are not normally converted into mixed numbers
Whole numbers such as 94 are not normally converted into mixed numbers
Whole numbers such as 264 are not normally converted into mixed numbers.
Numbers less than 1 are not normally converted into mixed numbers
Thirty fifths is not expressed as a mixed number. It is a whole number 30/5=6
That is 6 and 1/5
Whole numbers such as 360 are not normally converted into mixed numbers
Whole numbers such as 8014 are not normally converted into mixed numbers
Whole numbers such as 94 are not normally converted into mixed numbers
It can't be one. Mixed numbers are greater than one.
3 and 3/4
2 and two fifths
Whole numbers can't be mixed numbers.
Whole numbers such as 264 are not normally converted into mixed numbers.
To convert 219 to a mixed number, you divide the numerator (219) by the denominator (1) of the whole number part. This gives you 219 รท 1 = 219. So, the mixed number is 219/1, which simplifies to 219. Therefore, 219 as a mixed number is 219.
Numbers less than 1 are not normally converted into mixed numbers